Thursday, March 12, 2015

Living Room Free amazing calander download from Coco & Mingo

After rearranging some last pieces of furniture and moving my desk to the living room, I feel save to say the room is complete for the moment. Remember the Fretwork Stencil Wall, I love the way it came out, it makes me smile every time I see it, mostly because its done :)

Do you love the calendars?  Visit Coco & Mingo to get your free copy, they much better on your desk than the a boring desk calendar.  How cute would they be in a vintage clipboard hanging on the wall.

I decided to move my desk from the spare bedroom into the living room, I had gone back and forth since we moved about where I was going to put it.  I feel more creative working next to the window in the living room, not to mention its no longer sharing the wall with Ellie's crib. 

Ellie Grace

Had finished editing this photo with Paint the Moon actions, and it makes me smile so I thought I'd share...

Removing Wax from a Candle Jar

If you know anything about me, its that I love Yankee candles.  It's a sentimental attachment I have with them, and I always make sure there is at least 1 in every room of the house.

The last few weeks I've finished up 3, I guess it's time for another trip to the Yankee Candle Outlet.

The jars are great for storage, as long as you can get the wax our.  Its pretty easy with some boiling water.

Start with scoring the wax left at the bottom of the jar with a butter knife. Most candles, especially Yankee don't burn to the end of the jar and leave about a half an inch of wax.

Start to boil some water, put the candle somewhere heat safe.  When the water is boiling fill the jar full and let the wax soften.  It will take about 10 minutes.  Do NOT pour the water down the drain, all of the wax will float to the top.  My suggestion is to pour the wax off the top into a paper towel into a plastic bag.

Depending on how much wax is left in the jar, you may have to repeat the process. 
To remove the sticker off the glass I used some of my multi purpose Norwex Cleaning Paste

Now I can finish organizing my bathroom counters!